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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Rosales

Process Journal #6

Updated: Oct 25, 2018

I'm stuck. I'm really trying to decide where I'm going from here. I had ideas lined up but I don't really feel like any of them are what I want anymore. I've been painting to do something and maybe that's getting me somewhere but I'm not sure yet, I haven't figured it out yet. I do feel like this year/semester so far has been way more productive and I've been trying more to think and make not so basic things. I want to maybe plan a painting that's not abstract but it's more on the fuzzy side than realistic. I want maybe a monochromatic painting with some nice accents from other colors, I've been digging metals like gold a lot this year. Going back to what I've actually been doing this week, I've been painting random things on this big board thing that I found laying around. I also painted mini landscapes on the color papers used to find house paint colors. I’m also going back to my old stuff and using photoshop to make new things. I really like this piece that I’ve been working on and I’m kind of figuring out what it needs and stuff as I go.

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